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European Commission publishes a roadmap for restrictions under REACH

2022-04-28 Reference source : European Commission, REACH, Substance Restriction

Product restrictions / prohibitions EU REACH Europe

The European Commission published, on April 25, 2022, a list of substances and substance groups for which restrictions under the REACH Regulation are being proposed, prepared, or considered.


One of the lines of action under the European Union Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability is the coordination and prioritization of restriction proposals. After a process involving all the relevant authorities (the Commission, ECHA, and Member State Competent Authorities), the newly published “Restrictions Roadmap under the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability[DT1] ” provides an overview of the different substances being considered for restriction.


The Roadmap establishes a Rolling List of substances for restriction, which categorizes proposals into three groups:

  1. Restrictions for which formal procedures have already started
  2. Restrictions on which preparatory work has been done, but haven’t been formally proposed yet
  3. Restrictions (or revisions of restrictions) that are being discussed as one among other management options


In addition to the status of restriction proposals, the Rolling List contains information on the uses covered by the restriction and a tentative date for the submission of the restriction dossier.


The Rolling List is not legally binding. Therefore, substances included might not be proposed for restriction eventually, and – conversely – restrictions may be proposed for substances not included. To preserve clarity and predictability, it will be updated regularly to reflect the decision making status on restrictions.


GPC is closely observing developments in relation to the EU’s Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability. Download our latest Regulatory Summary of EU Chemical policies to stay updated. 

You can also download the roadmap here.


We acknowledge that the above information has been compiled from European Commission, REACH, Substance Restriction .
