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GPC - Global Product Compliance

European Union introduces new restrictions on the use of formaldehyde

2022-05-09 Reference source : WTO

Human health exposure Restricted use Consulting

On May 2, 2022, the European Union released a draft to amend Annex XVII to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006. The new amendment mainly concerns articles in which production includes the use of formaldehyde or formaldehyde-releasing substances that releases the substance into indoor air in concentrations beyond the limit. It also refers to road vehicles that have formaldehyde or formaldehyde-releasing substances added in their productions in which concentration in the vehicles’ interiors is higher than the allowed limit.

The new amendment specifies the limit for wood-based articles and furniture at 0.062mg/m3 and other articles at 0.08mg/m3. For road vehicles, the restriction is set at 0,062mg/m3. Therefore, concerned products beyond the stipulated concentration limit cannot be placed on the market.

The new restriction is expected to come into force 36 months after its entry (for concerned articles) and 48 months after entry into force for road vehicles.

According to the American Cancer Society, Formaldehyde is an organic compound, a colourless gas with a strong smell used in producing building materials, household products and vehicles. The common way to be exposed to the substance is through inhalation which studies have shown to cause cancer in humans. The main aim of the new restriction is to reduce exposure to formaldehyde and protect the general public from such exposure.

The proposed date of adoption is the last quarter of 2022 and the proposed date of entry into force will be 20 days from its publication in the EU official journal. All comments are expected 60 days (July 1, 2022) from its notification (May 2, 2022).

We acknowledge that the above information has been compiled from WTO.
