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GPC - Global Product Compliance

UN body discusses new global framework for the sound management of chemicals

2022-08-30 Reference source : UNEP - SAICM

International initiatives Public policy Risk management

The United Nation’s Environment Programme (UNEP) intersessional process on the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) and the sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020 held its fourth meeting between August 29 and September 2. 


SAICM is a global policy framework aimed at promoting the sound management of chemicals through all of their life-cycle. It brings together governmental, industrial and public-interest stakeholders to address effective chemicals management. The work of SAICM includes aspects relative both to specific approaches and measures to be taken and to their practical implementation (such as financing and capacity-building). The initial implementation of SAICM foresaw a 2020 completion date, but lagging uptake in many jurisdictions around the world means that continued work towards effective chemical management will be needed. 


To this end, the International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM) will discuss a post-2020 framework in its upcoming 5th Session. Work on the specifics of the post-2020 framework is being carried out in what’s known as the “intersessional process”. Kickstarted after the ICCM’s 4th session – which was held in late 2015 – the process brings together involved stakeholders to discuss the following points relative to the post-2020 global framework: 

  • Targets, indicators and milestones 
  • Governance and mechanisms to support implementation 
  • Issues of concern 
  • Financial considerations 


While work on these topics had been moved online due to the Covid pandemic, the 4th intersessional process meeting will be held in person in Bucarest, Romania. Discussions there will be followed by the 5th Session of the ICCM. This is the last ICCM Session planned under SAICM, and it was initially planned for 2020. It is currently scheduled to be held in person in Bonn, Germany, in 2023. 

We acknowledge that the above information has been compiled from UNEP - SAICM.
