GHS Report

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GPC - Global Product Compliance

Iceland Liechtenstein and Norway can soon start to notify to the SCIP database

2022-11-02 Reference source : ECHA Helsinki

ECHA Product registration/ notification SCIP

Products that contain Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) fall under notification obligation to the ECHA. This means that all products imported or produced on the EU market containing SVHCs have to be notified to ECHA’s database of Substances of Concern in Products (SCIP).  

The SCIP database was developed under the Waste Framework Directive and the notification obligation for all EU countries started to apply in January 2021. The EEA countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway) were not able to notify to the database until now since the Waste Framework Directive did not constitute a part of the EEA Agreement. However, starting from 7 November 2022 the notification for EEA countries will also become possible.  

The SCIP database is developed to enable consumers to make more informed choices and to help waste operators to reuse and recycle articles and materials. The database contains 8.7 million articles from over 8 600 EU companies. Only EU-based companies are allowed to notify to the database. In the case of exporters from non-EU countries – the importing company in the EU should do the notification. 

We acknowledge that the above information has been compiled from ECHA Helsinki.
