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Brazil moves forward in the approval of its Chemical Inventory Law

2023-05-04 Reference source : Brazilian Legislative Branch

Chemical industry Chemical inventory Chemical notification/ registration

Last month the Constitution, Justice, and Citizenship Committee at the Brazilian Parliament reopened the debate about bill PL 6120/2019. This is a bill that seeks to create the Inventário Nacional de Substâncias Químicas (The Chemical National Inventory of Brazil), a national database that will consolidate information on chemical substances produced or imported in the country.

The bill was approved by the Commission for Economic Development, Industry, Commerce and Services of the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies on November 23, 2022 and is still in the approval process.

This is a national framework for chemical legislation that is back on track. the Bill is under the consideration of the Constitution, Justice, and Citizenship  Committee. In this case, the Bill will not require a plenary vote after this last Committee, as it would be considered approved by the Chamber of Deputies and move on to the Senate.

Last month, the Committee reopened the amendment period for five additional sessions and discussed appointing a new rapporteur. However, time has run out on these sessions, and no changes were made. The original rapporteur's opinion still stands, and the Bill is ready for a decision in that Committee.

We acknowledge that the above information has been compiled from Brazilian Legislative Branch.
