GHS Report

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GPC - Global Product Compliance

Brazil’s New Chemical Law approved in Chamber of Deputies

2023-05-12 Reference source : Brazilian Chamber of Deputies

Chemical industry Chemical inventory Chemical notification/ registration

On 9 May 2023 the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies approved Bill 6120/2019. The Bill will now move on to the Senate for consideration. It is now set to be reviewed by the Environment Committee (CMA) and the Committee on Social Affairs (CAS). The Bill had been shelved since 2019 when President Bolsonaro came into office.

If Bill 6120/2019 is approved in Senate and signed into law it would:

  • Establish a National Inventory of Chemical Substances

  • Adopt GHS as the mandatory classification system

  • Set up an Assessment Committee to assess the risks of the substances and recommend risk management measures

So far, the only Latin American countries that have implemented national chemicals legislation are Chile and Colombia. According to a statement made by Melissa Owen, founder of law practise Ambiente Legal, on LinkedIn there is ‘a distinct possibility that the Bill could be approved as early as this year’ making Brazil the third country in the region to adopt a national chemical legislation.

We acknowledge that the above information has been compiled from Brazilian Chamber of Deputies .
