GHS Report

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GPC - Global Product Compliance

Vietnam Brings Registration of Controlled Substances into Force

2023-06-05 Reference source : Vietnam

Built environment Chemical industry Registration

In Vietnam, it is mandatory to register the use of controlled substance under Decree No. 06/2022/ND-CP on Reduction of Green House Gas Emissions and Protection of Ozone Layer enacted by the Government on January 7,2022. On the same day the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) also enacted Circular No. 01/2022/TT-BTNMT providing Detailed Regulations on implementation of Climate Change Response in the Law on Environmental Protection. On March 2, 2023, the Climate Change Bureau of the MONRE published a list as document no 237/BDKH-GNPT which consist of all the companies that have submitted applications for the registration of the use of controlled substances.

The substances that are present in the decree No. 06/2022/ND-CP as controlled substances are as follows:

  • Bromochloromethane
  • Carbon tetrachloride (CTC)
  • Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)
  • Halon
  • Hydrobromofluorocarbons (HBFCs)
  • Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs)
  • Bromomethane
  • Trichloroethane
  • Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)

A company carrying out business that concerns manufacturing of controlled substances, import, export, reuse, recycling of controlled substances, manufacture or import of any product that is made up of or contain controlled substances has to register its use with the MONRE by January 15 of each year.

We acknowledge that the above information has been compiled from Vietnam.
