GHS Report
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Israel - GHS Status

GHS Status

GHS implementation status

Transport of dangerous goods


For international transport of dangerous goods, see “Implementation through international legal instruments, recommendations, codes and guidelines”

Other sectors




On 12 May 2019, a revised version of standard SI 2302 (parts 1 and 2) was published in the Official Gazette. All sections of the revised standard are mandatory.


SI 2302 part 1 (Dangerous substances and mixtures: Classification, labelling, marking and packaging) is based on the EU CLP regulation implementing the GHS.


SI 2302 part 2 – Dangerous substances and mixtures: Transportation-Classification, labelling, marking and packaging


Both the old standard (February 2009) and the new revised standard (April 2019) will apply from the entry into force of this revision (10 August 2019) for a period of 3 years, until 9 August 2022. During this period dangerous substances and mixtures for domestic and similar uses could be tested according to the old or the new revised standard.
