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GPC - Global Product Compliance

Upcoming Changes to AICIS Categorisation Reporting and Recordkeeping from 24 April 2024

2024-03-28 Reference source : The Australian Industrial Chemicals Introduction Scheme (AICIS)

AICIS Cosmetic Products

The Australian Industrial Chemicals Introduction Scheme (AICIS) will implement significant changes to the Industrial Chemicals (General) Rules 2019, from 24 April 2024. These modifications are the result of extensive consultation and feedback from stakeholders and reflect a concerted effort to streamline processes and improve environmental and health protection in the chemical industry. 


Key Updates to the General Rules: 

- Transition from Written Undertakings to Simplified Records: In an effort to simplify compliance, AICIS will replace written undertakings with simpler recordkeeping practices. 

- Wider Acceptance of INCI Names: The reporting and record-keeping framework will now broader accept International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients (INCI) names, facilitating a more standardized global approach. 

- Refined Categorisation Criteria: Adjustments to the categorisation criteria will benefit several sectors, including: 

  - Local soap manufacturers 

  - Introducers of chemicals in flavour and fragrance mixtures 

  - Introducers of hazardous chemicals, with controlled introduction and use 

Further, the rules will introduce stricter criteria and/or reporting requirements specifically designed to prevent persistent organic pollutants (POPs) from being categorized as exempted or reported introductions. 


Feedback and Adjustments: 

The initial proposals received broad support from stakeholders. However, based on valuable feedback, some adjustments were made in order to: 

- Simplify record keeping for listed introductions 

- Expand the circumstances where INCI names can be used for both reporting and record keeping 

- Broaden the eligibility criteria for chemicals used in flavour and fragrance mixtures 

These adjustments aim to reduce regulatory burden while ensuring that the necessary protection remains in place. 


Upcoming Guideline Changes: 

Further changes to the Industrial Chemicals Categorisation Guidelines are on the horizon with announcements expected soon. These adjustments, set to take effect on 24 April 2024, will align with the commencement of the amended rules. Additional changes, expected in September 2024, will address the need for companies to have more time to prepare, as indicated by industry feedback. 


Transitional Provisions for NICNAS Introducers: 

Temporary recordkeeping provisions will be available until 23 April 2024, for chemical introducers transitioning from the National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme (NICNAS) to AICIS. This accommodation is specifically for eligible introducers who continue to import or manufacture chemicals previously listed on the NICNAS Inventory. 

The upcoming changes reflect the AICIS’s commitment to regulatory excellence, which aims to promote innovation and safety in the chemical industry while minimizing administrative burdens. Stay tuned for detailed updates on these important changes, which promise to shape the future of chemical management and safety standards in Australia. 

We acknowledge that the above information has been compiled from The Australian Industrial Chemicals Introduction Scheme (AICIS).
