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ECHA launches New Chemicals Database - ECHA CHEM

2024-01-30 Reference source : ECHA

Hazardous chemicals ECHA CHEM Database

On 30 January 2024, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) launched its latest feature, ECHA CHEM, a user-friendly platform for sharing information on chemicals. The first release, which can be accessed here, includes data from all REACH registrations and aims to provide accessible information to the public.

ECHA is known for maintaining the largest chemicals database in the EU, combining data submitted by industry with regulatory information. ECHA CHEM is designed to make the growing amount of information hosted by the Agency more accessible.

First release and future plans

The first version of ECHA CHEM contains information from over 100,000 REACH registrations submitted by companies to ECHA. Plans are in place to expand the database later this year to include the redesigned Classification and Labelling Inventory, followed by the launch of the first set of regulatory lists.

Previous chemical platforms

ECHA's previous Information on Chemicals platform, launched in 2016, grew rapidly and now contains information on more than 360,000 chemicals. In 2022, ECHA announced the development of a new system for publishing data on chemicals, with ECHA CHEM reflecting the Agency's commitment to efficiently manage the growing amount of data while embracing technological advances.

Insights from ECHA

Commenting on the significance of the launch, Mercedes Viñas, ECHA’s Director of Submissions and Interaction, stated, "ECHA CHEM is a significant step forward in enhancing our service for sharing data on chemicals gathered through ECHA’s current activities. It makes the information available online within a stable system and in a user-friendly manner."

Kai Taka-aho, Director of Information Systems, highlighted the flexibility of the platform, saying, "ECHA CHEM has been designed to be a flexible technical platform capable of handling large amounts of data, and adjustable for different needs. With the technological choices made, ECHA CHEM is a future-proof solution".

We acknowledge that the above information has been compiled from ECHA.
