GHS Report

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GPC - Global Product Compliance

Canada published the Final Screening Assessment of silver and its components

2022-08-29 Reference source : Canadian Government

Public policy Risk assessment

On 26th of august 2022, the Canadian government published the final screening assessment of silver and its components under Canada Gazette. Based on the substance addressed in the third phase of the chemicals Management plan, silver and its compounds were considered for new action. These actions would be based on the Chemical management plans (CMP). Based on this legislation ,seven substances of silver and its components which could be found in the environment are listed. However, the silver components are not only limited to these seven category identification. It should also be considered that based on the proposed ecological conditions only the mentioned substances (listed below) would undergo any action.

  1. Silver.
  2. Nitric acid silver(1+) salt.
  3. Silver chloride (AgCl).
  4. Silver bromide (AgBr).
  5. Sulfuric acid, silver(1+) salt.
  6. Silver oxide (Ag2O).
  7. Silver sulfide (Ag2S).

Furthermore, follow up activities on these seven substance groups are under consideration and would be published in future. Although this assessment tries to cover all the risks and health hazards regarding human life and environment, further initiatives and additional information might be considered in the future.

We acknowledge that the above information has been compiled from Canadian Government.
