GHS Report

Ecuador has three main documents that together establish the rules for chemical industry in the country:

-          Technical Regulation 078 on transport, storage, and management of hazardous materials

-          Acuerdo Ministerial 099 on instructions for the registration of hazardous chemical substances and environmental obligations

-          Decreto 752/2019 that states the creation of a chemical inventory and a chemical registry


Additionally, Ecuador is part of the Andean Community, which indicates that the communal regulation for chemical pesticides for agriculture is in place (Resolución 2.075/2019).



Ecuador's ARCSA Seeks Public Input on Proposed Pesticide Labeling Updates


Ecuador's National Agency for Health Regulation, Control, and Surveillance (ARCSA) has invited public feedback on a comprehensive proposal to...

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Pesticide Guidelines in Ecuador


Ecuador has recently released a draft regulation for public scrutiny, outlining the procedures governing the issuance of toxicological evaluation...

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