GHS Report

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GPC - Global Product Compliance

Nominate Substances to Vietnamese National Chemical Inventory before April 15


Chemical inventory Chemical notification/registration Compliance strategy

Vietnamese National Chemical Inventory (NCI) Notification window opened on 16th October 2020 and is about to close on 15th April 2021.

Vietnam began to compile the national chemical inventory (NCI) in 2012. Substances that are not listed on the inventory will be considered as new substances and require registration before they can be used, imported, or produced in Vietnam. So far, there are 5 times where companies can nominate substances to the inventory. The inventory contains about 40,000 substances. The new deadline for substance submission is April 15th, 2021. The final draft of the inventory is expected to be released by the end of this year.

If companies are exporting to Vietnam then for a smooth continued trade and to avoid heavier regulatory obligations later-on enterprises are encouraged to submit information on chemicals that have been imported, manufactured, and used in Vietnam.

The information required for submission are:

  1. Chemical name,
  2. CAS registry number,
  3. Safety Data Sheet,
  4. Proof of the chemical used in Vietnam (including purchase contracts, invoices, or custom forms).

GPC through its Vietnamese affiliates can help you with an end-to-end compliance solution for Vietnam! 

Update: 2021-02-28
