GHS Report

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GPC - Global Product Compliance

Brazil Proposes GHS Updates

2022-04-25 Reference source : Brazil, GHS, Public Consultation

GHS Chemical industry Brazil

In Brazil, the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) of classification and labeling is established by the Brazilian National Standards Organization (ABNT) standard and officially implemented by Regulatory Norm (NR) 26. Currently, chemical classification and labeling in Brazil follow the GHS 5th revision.

ABNT proposed updating the GHS version utilized in Brazil and its requirements. Currently, there are two projects under public consultation for this purpose. First, ABNT made available a draft document proposing to update general aspects of the GHS, classification, safety data sheet (SDS), and labeling of chemicals – called ABNT 14725 revision. Accordingly, ABNT also proposed to bring up-to-date the requirements of hazardous chemical residues, referred waste SDS, and related labeling under ABNT 16725 revision.

In addition to updating exigencies and modifying the national standard to the GHS 7th revision, ABNT aims to consolidate the reference into a single document – which today is distributed among four different standards. Both revision projects are in the second stage and open for public consultation until April 28, 2022.

Interested parties may express their concerns via the ABNT official website until the referred date. The final version and publication are planned for September 2022.

We acknowledge that the above information has been compiled from Brazil, GHS, Public Consultation.
