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China Regulatory News

MEE adds 11 chemicals to IECSC

Jan-21-2022 Chemical inventory IECSC Compliance strategy

On 22nd December 2021, the Ministry of Environment and Ecology announced that 11 chemical substances will be added to the Inventory of Existing Chemical Substance list (IECSC) of China. For chemica...

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NMPA publishes good manufacturing practice ‘specifications’ for cosmetics

Jan-21-2022 Cosmetic products CSAR

Based on the China cosmetic regulation (Cosmetics Supervision and Administration Regulation, CSAR), the National Medical and Pharmaceutical Agency (NMPA) published the good manufacturing practice &lsq...

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China NMPA launches the label for Children cosmetics

Dec-15-2021 Children's products labelling cosmetic products

On the 1st of December 2021, China’sNational Medical Products Administration  (NMPA) published a special label for cosmetics that are intended for use by children under 12 years old. Fro...

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China consults on new food contact resins and additives

Nov-30-2021 China-REACH new substances FCM

On 27th October, the National Centre for Food Safety Risk Assessment (CFSA) of China published a consultation on the approval of food additives and resins and the ex...

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China NMPA publishes children’s cosmetic regulation

Nov-03-2021 Children's products cosmetic products labelling safer alternatives

On the 30th of September, the National Medical Products Administration of China (NMPA) published the final Regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Children’s Cosm...

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China updates the registration platform to allow the generation of QR codes for hazardous chemicals

Nov-02-2021 Hazardous chemicals chemical notification/registration packaging labelling

On the 7th of September, 2021, the Chemical Registration Centre in China upgraded its hazardous chemical substance registration platform based on the module of ’Platform + Applica...

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China Issues Final List Of Substances Subject To Phase Out

Oct-21-2021 Chemical Category China-REACH

On the 15th of September 2021, Chinese authorities approved a list of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in agreement and under the control of the Kigali Amendment. This is an am...

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