GHS Report

News Details

GPC - Global Product Compliance

Mexico Strengthens Regulations to Combat Fuel Tax Evasion Through Chemical Adulteration

2023-11-13 Reference source : DOF and SEGOV

Chemical industry Chemical supply-chain Latin America

In a strategic move to prevent the illicit introduction of specific chemicals aimed at evading taxes on fuel, Mexico has announced robust regulatory measures. The temporary ban on 68 listed substances, coupled with recent updates to the List of Substances regulated by the Secretary of Energy, signals a comprehensive effort to secure the nation's energy landscape.

Under the revised list, the 68 substances implicated in fuel adulteration are now subject to heightened scrutiny. Notably, entities looking to import these substances must file for temporary import authorizations within 30 business days through the online system, VUCEM.

This development holds significant implications for companies operating in Mexico reliant on these substances for their daily operations. Staying informed and adapting to these new processes is crucial as Mexico fortifies its regulatory framework to safeguard against tax evasion tactics in the fuel sector.

We acknowledge that the above information has been compiled from DOF and SEGOV.
