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GPC - Global Product Compliance

Public consultation on revised standard for vinyl acetate monomer in India

2023-06-14 Reference source : Indian Standards Bureau (BIS)

BIS Chemical industry

The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) asked for comments until 2 June 2023 on a new revised standard for vinyl acetate monomer, which is used in adhesives, emulsion paints, wood coatings, lacquers, and inks. 

The standard for vinyl acetate monomer was originally published in 1988. The revision incorporates alternate methods for determination of aldehyde, distillation range and specific gravity. 

The chemical should be stored in mild steel drums, according to the updated draft, which also suggests the required use of "dangerous goods" labels coupled with visual markings (in accordance with Indian Standards 1260). Additionally, the container must clearly state that it contains "vapours and liquid dangerous to eyes." 

The BIS updated standard establishes the following precise specifications for the substance: 

Acidity (as acetic acid) 

Maximum of 0.01% by mass 

Vinyl acetate content (as ester) 

Minimum of 99.8% by mass 

Aldehyde (as acetaldehyde) 

Maximum of 0.03% by mass 


0.05 % by mass 

Inhibitor content (hydroquinone) 

Maximum of 20 parts per million (ppm) 

Inhibitor content (diphenylamine) 

Maximum of 250 ppm 

Polymer content 

Maximum of 5 ppm 


Additionally, substance containers must be marked with manufacturing information including the name of the material, the manufacturer's name, the product's gross and net weight, the month and year it was made, and its shelf life.    

We acknowledge that the above information has been compiled from Indian Standards Bureau (BIS).
