GHS Report

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GPC - Global Product Compliance

Regulation regarding Good Manufacturing Practices for cosmetic products came into effect in Mexico

2023-07-04 Reference source : Diario Oficial de Mexico

Cosmetic Products Latin America

In July 2022, it was published in the Diario Oficial de la Federación (DOF) in Mexico a regulation about good manufacturing practices for cosmetic products. This regulation establishes good manufacturing practices (GMP) for cosmetic products, as well as the organizational manual of the Ministry of Health. 

The standard states: "Considering that every company or establishment dedicated to the production of cosmetic products has the responsibility to guarantee that the products it manufactures do not pose risks to the consumer's health, it must have a system for prevention, control, and verification of sanitary quality in order to ensure that cosmetic products are safe." 

It further explains that GMP is a set of guidelines that must be applied in the cosmetic product manufacturing process.The GMP standard for cosmetic products was developed taking into account the specific needs of this sector.

The objective of this regulation is to provide a description of the basic requirements that must be followed throughout the process, such as the conditions that the personnel, production, control, storage, packaging, and other activities must meet. Another goal of this standard is to ensure that the manufactured products meet sanitary quality standards, can be consumed safely, and are effective for their specific cosmetic applications. 

The regulation emphasizes that companies have the responsibility to guarantee to consumers that the manufactured product does not pose a health risk. GMP serves as the sanitary foundation under which any company involved in the process and handling of cosmetics must operate, ensuring that even the simplest operation throughout the manufacturing process of a cosmetic product is carried out under conditions that ensure its sanitary quality. 

Furthermore, the regulation states that due to the continuous evolution of the cosmetics industry, it is necessary to take actions that protect the health of the population and, at the same time, prevent Mexico from lagging behind in this field. 

The regulation came into force in May 2023.

Link in Spanish: DOF - Diario Oficial de la Federación

We acknowledge that the above information has been compiled from Diario Oficial de Mexico.
