GHS Report

News Details

GPC - Global Product Compliance

Fertilizers in Peru: The New Rules Proposed for Import and Production

2023-07-04 Reference source : El peruano

Fertilizer Latin America

Peru is taking significant steps to regulate the import and production of fertilizers, aiming to enhance sustainable soil management, promote domestic agricultural competitiveness and sustainability, and improve food and nutrition security while ensuring safety, quality, and efficient use of these substances. A notified draft regulation has been proposed, which aims to establish provisions that govern the entire life cycle of fertilizers and similar substances, with a focus on minimizing adverse health and environmental impacts.  

The primary objective of the proposed regulation is to protect farmers and agricultural workers by ensuring the safety, quality, and efficient use of fertilizers. By establishing stringent guidelines for importers and manufacturers, Peru seeks to reduce the potential health risks associated with the use of fertilizers. The regulation aims to enhance farmer awareness and provide them with safe and reliable products, thereby safeguarding their well-being and promoting sustainable agricultural practices. 

Peru recognizes the importance of promoting the competitiveness and sustainability of its domestic agriculture sector. The proposed regulation seeks to create a level playing field for farmers and increase their access to high-quality fertilizers. By encouraging sustainable soil management practices, the regulation aims to enhance soil fertility, reduce environmental degradation, and preserve natural resources. These measures will contribute to long-term agricultural productivity, economic growth, and the country's overall food security. 

Food and nutrition security is a pressing concern globally, and Peru is no exception. The proposed regulation addresses this urgent problem by focusing on the efficient use of fertilizers to improve crop quality and yield. By optimizing the nutritional value of agricultural products, Peru aims to enhance the availability of diverse and nutritious food for its population. This regulation will help combat malnutrition, promote healthier diets, and contribute to the overall well-being of the nation. 

The proposed regulation recognizes the potential adverse health and environmental impacts associated with the use of fertilizers. To mitigate these risks, the regulation sets forth strict standards for import, production, labeling, handling, storage, and distribution of fertilizers. Compliance with these standards will help ensure that fertilizers meet safety and quality requirements, minimizing the presence of harmful substances in food and reducing environmental contamination. By adopting responsible practices, Peru aims to safeguard human health, protect ecosystems, and preserve water resources and biodiversity. 

The draft resolution is in its consultation phase since June 2023 for a period of 90 days and will also be analyzed by the Andean Community (CAN) and the World Trade Organization (WTO). 

We acknowledge that the above information has been compiled from El peruano.
